Wednesday 200930 – Workout of the Day


Bench Press (2-2-2-2)

* New set every 90 seconds
*80% of 1RM – Same weight for all sets
*5th-8th sets are 3 reps

Bench Press (3-3-3-3)

* New set every 90 seconds
*80% of 1RM – Same weight for all sets
*5th-8th sets are 3 reps

Metcon (6 Rounds for distance)

3 sets
4:00 min AMRAP
500/400m row
Max Distance Run (meters)
– Rest 1:00 –
4:00 min AMRAP
Run (matching distance from previous max distance attempt)
Max Meter row
– Rest 3:00 between sets-

*Athletes will have 6 scores. Scores 1,3, 5 are run distance. Scores 2,4,6 are row distance. Run distance on 2nd 4:00min AMRAP is always equal to previous max distance run from 1st 4:00min AMRAP.