Workout of the Day – Friday 200221


EMOM for 4 Rounds

Minute 1: 5 Handstand Push-Ups

Minute 2: 8 Pull-Ups

Minute 3: 6 Deck Squats with Kettlebell 16/12kg

Minute 4: 12 Box Jump Overs 60/50

Minute 5: 8 Push- Presses 44/30

Minute 6: 12 Burpees

Workout of the Day – Thursday 200220

3 Rounds
32 Deadlifts 84/62
32 Hanging Hip Touches
800m DB Farmers Carry (2 x 12/7)
One person working at a time
“Hanging hip touches” means hanging from a pull up bar by one arm and alternating arms,
while touching your hip with the other
Team moves together on the farmers carry, passing off DBs as needed


Workout of the Day – Friday 200214

2000 Meter Row
60 Burpee Pull Ups
1200 Meter Row
30 Burpee Pull Ups
800 Meter Row
15 Burpee Pull Ups
One person working at a time for reps


Workout of the Day – Thursday 200213


Teams of 2

2 Rounds
24 Deadlifts 100/70
24 Box Jumps 60/50
24 Wall Balls 9/6
24 Bench Press 70/40
24 Box Jumps 60/50
24 Wall Balls 9/6
24 Power Cleans 60/40
One person working at a time
Partition reps as needed
Each team needs 3 different barbells

Workout of the Day – Tuesday 200211

4 Rounds
50 Meter Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Plate 20/10
30 Box Jumps 60/50
20 Wall Balls 9/6
10 Handstand Push Ups
One person working at a time
Partition reps as needed