Workout of the Day – Thursday 200206

8 Rounds
600m Run
10 KB Pull Ups 20/16
10 KB Walking Lunges 2 x 20/16
10 KB Thrusters 20/16
One person working at a time
Partition reps as needed
Partition runs into 200m intervals


Workout of the Day – Wednesday 200205

30 Clean & Jerks 62/44
800 Meter Run
10 Rope Climbs
800 Meter Run
100 Burpees
One person working at a time
Partition reps as needed
Partition runs into 200m intervals

Workout of the Day – Tuesday 200204

2 x 100m Shuttle, 2 Clusters
4 x 100m Shuttle, 4 Clusters
6 x 100m Shuttle, 6 Clusters
8 x 100m Shuttle, 8 Clusters
10 x 100m Shuttle, 10 Clusters
12 x 100m Shuttle, 12 Clusters
14 x 100m Shuttle, 14 Clusters
16 x 100m Shuttle, 16 Clusters
One person working at a time
Partition reps as needed, clusters are DB @ 20/16kg squat clean thruster

Workout fo the Day – Monday 200203

21 Thrusters 52/38
12 Rope Climbs
15 Thrusters 52/38
9 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters 52/38
6 Rope Climbs
One person working at a time
Partition reps as needed

Workout of the Day – Friday 200131

Teams of 2, AMRAP 20:
40 Calorie Row
30 Pull-ups
20 Power Cleans
10 Thrusters

Round 1: 44/30
Round 2: 52/38
Round 3: 62/44
Round 4: 70/48
Round 5: 80/52