Workout of the Day – Thursday 190110

For Time

“Chad Wilkinson”

Memorial WOD

1,000 Box Step-Ups @50cm

Wear a Ruck Pack 20/16, if available.

A ruck is a weighted backpack to simulate the gear carried during a hiking expedition.

Dedicated to Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy who died on October 29, 2018, in Virginia Beach on active duty after 22 years of service.

The story behind…

CrossFit Games Director, Dave Castro posted this workout in memory of Chad, who was a friend. Castro said: “A few weeks ago we lost an American hero. A friend of mine and someone I worked with when I was in the Navy. At his funeral his wife mentioned that he did 1000 step ups for time with a 45 pound pack on a 20” box to train for climbing Mt Aconcagua.


Workout of the Day – Monday 190107

Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk
Build to a Heavy Complex

Barbell Complex 62/44

Rest 3 Minutes

Barbell Complex70/48

Rest 3 Minutes

Barbell Complex  86/62

*1 Barbell  Complex:
3 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats, 3 Push Jerks

Workout of the Day – Friday 190104

3 Rounds “Modified” Beep Test 34/24
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds “Modified” Beep Test 34/24
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds “Modified” Beep Test 34/24


*1 Round of “Modified” Beep Test:
7 Thrusters
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees

Workout of the Day – Monday 181231



Thrusters 44/30



The story behind…

Greg Glassman created CrossFit unofficially as a teenager.
He was a gymnast (specifically a rings expert) looking for a way to condition himself to have energy for a 2 min routine. Because, if you jump off the rings after 2 minutes and have to put your hands on your knees cause you’re so gassed, the judges won’t like it much. In his experiments, he started combining weights and gymnastic movements in weird combinations. One day he stumbled upon a nasty little combo.

21 Thrusters (a front squat and overhead press combined)
21 pull ups
15 Thrusters
15 pull ups
9 and 9

Start the clock and do it for time.

As soon as he finished, he puked on the floor…Excited, he cleaned himself up and ran over to his buddy’s house and told him to try it. After his buddy had the same result, they both ran over with puke stained shirts to their third friends house and said “you gotta try this!”

He named the workout “Fran” because tropical storms were named after women, and this workout hit him like a hurricane. He went on to create tons of other workouts like this and try them on him and his friends…

But of all the workouts we do in CrossFit, Fran still stands out as the gold standard for intensity.